National Duals


26th Annual National Duals

Memorial Day Weekend
May 24-26, 2025
Virginia Beach Sports Center

The Largest and Most Competitive Duals Event in the Country

  • Each Team Is Guaranteed 6 Matches During the First Two Days of Competition 

  • Day Three is re-seeded into a Championship Bracket & each team that qualifies into Day Three will wrestle at least 2 matches

Detailed event information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Hotel Partners

Days Inn at the Beach
Starting at $259/Night
1000 Atlantic Ave, Virginia Beach
Starting at $275/Night
335 Independence Blvd, Virginia Beach
#1 on TripAdvisor for a year straight
DoubleTree by Hilton
Starting at $269/Night
1900 Pavilion Drive, Virginia Beach
Located Across the Street from the Sports Center
Ramada Plaza Va Beach Oceanfront & Ramada Non-Oceanfront
Oceanfront Starting at $289/night
Non-Oceanfront Starting at $229
Founders Inn and Spa, Tapestry Collection By Hilton
Starting at $249/Night
5641 Indian River Road ,Virginia Beach
16.8 Miles From VBCC
Two Restaurants Onsite
Holiday Inn Virginia Beach Norfolk Hotel & Conference Center
Starting at $184/night
5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach
Restaurant and Bar Onsite

General EVENT Information

Entry Fee: $800 per team (each team may have a maximum of 18 wrestlers) 

Registration: : Here

Registration Closes: When the division limit is met or May 7th

All teams MUST pay in full online when registering team!

Additional wrestlers (over 18): There is a fee of $45 / additional wrestler and we suggest that you try to place the athlete on a team that has an incomplete roster through the Free Agents.

It is the responsibility of the head coach to see that alternates are worked into dual meets. Alternatives are not guaranteed exhibition matches during course of schedule dual meets. There will be an exhibition mat available on Day 1 and Day 2 of the event. 

The information below represents the maximum number of teams per division. When a division fills to capacity teams will no longer be able to register but a waiting list will be posted in the event a team drops out of the event.

Elementary- 72 Teams 

Middle School- 72 Teams 

Boys High School- 192 Teams

Girls High School- 48 Teams

The caps/limits per division are subject to change based on event needs.

Each Team is Guaranteed a Minimum of 6 Matches

Day 1:

  • Each team will be placed in a pool of 4 teams based on pre-tournament seeds 
  • Each team will wrestle three times on Day 1 

Day 2:

  • Each team will be placed in a pool of 4 teams based on Day 1 results
  • Teams that place 1st or 2nd in their Day 1 Pool advance to the Day 2 Championship pools 
  • Teams that place 3rd or 4th in their Day 1 Pool are placed in the Day 2 Consi pools & will not advance to Day 3
  • Each team will wrestle a minimum of three times on Day 2  
Day 3: 
  • Teams that place 1st or 2nd in their Day 2 Championship pools advance to the Day 3 Championship Bracket
  • Day 3 Championship Brackets will be re-seeded based on their on-site rosters & results to ensure the integrity of the bracket 
  • Each team will wrestle a minimum of two times on Day 3

Elementary: 52,56,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,110,120,150 (+1.0 lb Weight Allowance) 

Middle School: 75,80,85,90,95,100,105,112,119,127,135,142,154,165,180,230 (+2 .0 lbs Weight Allowance)

High School: 106, 113, 120,126,132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220, 285 (+3 .0 lbs Weight Allowance)

Girls High School: 100, 107, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 165, 185, 235 (+3.0 lbs Weight Allowance)

Grade levels based on 2024-2025 school year. 

Wrestlers MUST Weigh-In Wearing a Singlet!

When wrestlers weigh in, we will be using your actual weight to determine your eligible weight class. You will be eligible for that weight and the weight higher. (Example: A High School wrestler weighs-in at 116.0, they are eligible for 113 lbs and 120 lbs).

*8th graders are eligible to compete in the High School division.
*5th graders are not eligible to compete in the Middle School division.

** Wrestlers can only compete for one team in one division during the event. i.e can only be on one roster.

Wrestlers can only compete for one team in one division during the event. i.e can only be on one roster.

Wrestlers cannot be “traded” from other rosters without both coaches present with event staff. 

Once a wrestler is weighed in with a team/club, the wrestler cannot be “traded” to an additional team/club. However, wrestlers can be moved with the same club until the wrestler or team competes. 

Teams that show up with three or more open roster spots will be subject to not being able to compete next year.

High School Division: 1.30-1.30-1.30

Middle School Division: 1.15-1.15-1.15

Elementary School Division: 1-1-1

*This tentative schedule is subject to change by the NHSCA and City of Virginia Beach.

Friday May 23rd

2:00pm – Pre-purchased team early weigh-ins

3:00pm –  Onsite early weigh-ins sales begin (Teams Only: Must be Purchased by Team Organizer/Contact)  

4:00pm –  Early weigh-ins end and the Virginia Beach Sports Center is closed.

6:00pm – Regular weigh-ins begin

7:30pm – Weigh-ins end and the Virginia Beach Sports Center is closed.

Saturday May 24: Day 1 of competition  

Sunday May 25: Day 2 of competition  

Monday May 26: Day 3 of competition  (championship bracket) 

* Team specific/pool schedules will be announced prior to the event.

Cost: $100 per team

How to pre-purchase: Team Contacts can purchase when the team is registered or can be added after the team is registered provided spots are still available. Click here for directions.

Friday, May 23rd

2:00pm – Pre-purchased team early weigh-ins begin

3:00pm –  Onsite early weigh-ins sales begin (Teams Only: Must Purchased by Team Organizer/Contact)  

4:00pm –  Early weigh-ins end and the Virginia Beach Sports Center is closed.

As a 501c3 non-profit serving members from across the country, representing all beliefs the NHSCA aims to be inclusive and considerate to all. The association values are rooted in kindness, collaboration and mutual respect.
  • A coach has tremendous influence upon student-athletes and shall never place winning above
    the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.
  • The coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct with the student-athlete, officials, the media, tournament officials and the public.
  • The coach shall speak to athletes who display unacceptable behavior
  • The coach shall respect and support contest officials by avoiding conduct which will incite players or spectators against the officials.
  • The coach shall promote good sportsmanship of spectators by working closely with tournament officials.
  • One of the goals of the NHSCA is to provide a positive experience and safe environment for
    student-athletes. Therefore adult coaches, officials, staff and volunteers shall maintain professionalism and avoid any appearance of impropriety in their relationships with students.
  • Coaches, in particular should recognize the influence, power and position of trust they have with students and should use this only in a student-athlete’s best interest.
  • Any incident regarding misconduct should be reported promptly to law enforcement or NHSCA personnel.
  • Although NHSCA does not maintain a background-screening process for any coach who completes a coaching application form, all coaches are hereby made aware that NHSCA reserves the right to adopt the rulings and findings set forth by other organizations including but not limited to USA Wrestling, AAU Wrestling, SafeSport and UWW. An applicant for coaching pass that is rejected by NHSCA will be given proper notice and opportunity to be heard with respect to the rejection of the coaching application.
  • NHSCA reserves the right to remove anyone from the event who is found to be barred from coaching by other jurisdictions even if this information is discovered after the event has begun.

To coach at the 2025 NHSCA National Duals, please complete both steps below:

1. Be a current member of the NHSCA. Membership is $40 and valid one calendar year. — Click Here!

2. Read the event code of conduct: Here

3. Purchase the 2025 NHSCA National Duals Event Pass. — Will go on sale May, 1st

This is your ticket to enter as a coach. This is non-refundable and non-transferable.

You will pick up your coach’s pass onsite during the registration time on Friday. Print your receipt to speed up the process!

If you purchased the 2025 NHSCA All Event Coach Pass during the High School Nationals, you do not need the Duals Event Pass! You will show your ID to pick up your pass — Be sure your membership is current.

If you are unsure of your membership status, please email

To Be Announced.

** All Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.



Subject to limitations of space, photography and videography credentials shall be considered as follows:

  • No personal team photographers or videographers will be permitted or allowed inside the barricades. 
  • A photographer or videographer from a media outlet that covers the sport of wrestling consistently on a national basis.
  • A photographer or videographer from a media agency in the geographic area of Virginia Beach.
  • Photos or videos must be for a recognized media company, not for personal use or re-sale.
  • Credential requesters be at least 18 years of age.
  • Credential requesters must provide proof of publication.

*NOTE: Videographers are not permitted to record or stream active wrestling or competition per the event agreement with FloWrestling.  

Process: All credential applications must be submitted by May 17, 2024. Credentials cannot be applied for onsite.

All applications will be carefully reviewed  and efforts will be made to honor all requests, but we reserve the right to change or deny any media requests. Misuse of credentials may result in revocation.

  • If your credential is approved you will be notified via email.
    • Individuals will need to display a government issued ID at credential distribution when picking up approved credential.
    • Issued credentials are non-transferable and must always be worn in a visible manner.
    • Credentials will not be issued to spouses, guests, or children of media members.
  • All credentialed photographers or videographers must stay off the mat space and shoot from the edges of the mat.
  • NHSCA staff, NHSCA Photographers and NHSCA Videographers will be given priority preference of location throughout the event.

If you are looking for a team, sign up to be a Free Agent here.

Your information will be sent weekly to registered coaches. Coaches will contact you directly.

The Free Agent registration will be open until  May 16, 2025.

  • Each team is responsible for their own table worker. He or she will receive free entry into the event. The team contact will receive a lanyard at registration. Each table work MUST be wearing this lanyard to enter the building and be mat side.
  • Registered team table workers will receive this training video prior to the event.
Register your team table workers:  Starting May 1st

Table Workers: Please watch this training video for mat side scoring prior to arriving at the event! 

The top 5 finishing teams in each division will also receive a team award. 

The top 5 finishing teams will receive medals for the wrestlers and coaches.

The 1st place team in each division will receive the championship bracket.

Cole Baublitz Memorial Award is given to the first place High School team champion. This award
commemorates a very special wrestler from Diesel who was tragically killed at age 19 in 2007. Cole
loved the sport of wrestling, the competition, and the joy of the team unity that prevailed when
wrestlers who normally compete against each other for different schools join forces on the same team.

  • Headgear is optional 
  • Mouth guards for braces are required 
  • If hair covers are used they must be legal & attach to the headgear
  • College out of bounds will be used for all divisions
  • Two coaches per corner
  • Wrestlers are not required to have a coach in their corner
  • The only grooming standard will be fingernail length 
  • Overtime is :60, :30, :30 and ultimate :30
  • Injury time will start once the trainer is on the mat (if the coach treats the wrestler before the trainer arrives then one second will be run off of the injury time clock)
  • Coaches are required to clean their athletes blood from the mat 

Dual tie breaker criteria is as follows:

1)    Head to Head Competition (dual win not individual matches)

2)    Total team points scored in dual competitions

3)    Total team points scored against the team in dual competitions

Each time the tie is broken the next tie is broken by starting at the head to head again.


In the event of a 3-way (or greater) tie in a Round Robin (ex. Team A wins over Team B, B wins over C, C wins over A). Here is how the criteria will break the tie.

Total Points for Teams in all Duals in the Round Robin. If this breaks the tie, the other Dual is broken by the Head to Head matchup.

Example 1:

Team A – 175 points for

Team B – 150 points for

Team C – 200 points for

Team C wins, then B and C are decided by Head to Head matchup.

Example 2:

If 2 teams are tied for the most overall points, it then goes to least points giving up in all Duals

Team A – 200 points for, 75 points against

Team B – 150 points for, 50 points against

Team C – 200 points for, 85 points against

Team B wins, for giving up the least amount of points and A and C are decided by Head to Head match up. 

All wrestlers are required to weigh-in in singlets.

Athletes flagged for suspected skin infections during the weigh-in process will be evaluated by a
physician retained by the NHSCA who has the final decision to allow the athlete to compete.

If your wrestler has any skin issues, please print this form for your doctor. Form must be filled out by
doctor within 7 days of the start of competition at NHSCA Nationals and brought to weigh-ins.

The NHSCA reserves the right to override form if our head trainer/doctor sees any “active” skin issues.

If you have any questions or need assistance please email us at

May 23-25, 2026